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Sara's Story

Sara Richter, CDBC


Sara Richter began training professionally with horses over 15 years ago, with a lifelong passion for animals, her equestrian career spans 30 years. She is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant with the IAABC. and has also trained a variety of other species; including chickens, ducks, cows, pigs, sheep, rabbits, rats, parrots, cats, ferrets, guinea pigs, goldfish, and more! Sara’s approach to this work has been marked by several evolutions: She started out using compulsion-heavy techniques before she moved to more balanced methods, then committed to force-free methodology 13 years ago, and most recently has pioneered the adaptation of the learner-centered framework to animal training she uses and teaches today.


More than a decade ago, Sara stumbled upon the learner-centered principles set forth by the American Psychological Association. The discovery of that information, combined with her longstanding interest in the human industries of teaching, behavioral wellness, and mental health, set Sara on a journey that fundamentally altered her approach to working with animals. She describes the significance of her shift from traditional R+ methodologies to learner-centered strategies as equal to the shift she experienced moving from punitive to R+ methods. Learner-centered work similarly requires an entirely new foundational understanding, from which we develop new ways of looking at the puzzles before us and collaborate with our learners to put the pieces together. For the past 5+ years, Sara has applied this framework to a wide range of behavioral issues including human and dog-directed aggression, separation anxiety, reactivity, and more. Learner-centered training has inspired such joy, curiosity, and wonder for Sara, and she is eager to share it with others. 

One of the learner-centered foundations Sara has developed is B.A.A.R.C.™ From Sara’s knowledge base in verbal operants, relational frame theory, and other adjacent concepts came a system of communication that empowers animals to talk to us, without us first having to ask. This system cultivates independently motivated and learner-generated communication, which unlocks new ways of understanding their needs, enabling unprecedented access to cross-species collaboration. In the 5+ years Sara has been teaching dog-human teams to use B.A.A.R.C.™, she has seen dogs problem-solve and develop resilience in endlessly surprising ways! 

In addition to her work with animals and their humans, Sara is also dedicated to supporting aspiring and existing trainers in their exploration of this new framework as they create their own paths to success in this dynamic industry. Sara has owned and operated her own business for over 15 years and has experience with many business models and services. Across thousands of cases, she has provided both virtual and in-home lessons and consultations, offered boarding in her home, partnered with other businesses and facilities to offer group and private services, and opened her own training facility and day training program. During the pandemic Sara moved her business online, offering behavior consultation, private lessons, group classes, webinars, and more in the virtual space. 

Sara hopes this space will open the door to a more widely shared understanding of the learner-centered framework she has developed. She is excited to share her experiences and discoveries so others can discover and explore the profound joy of knowing and understanding their animals in the new, surprising, and meaningful ways that are only accessible when we center and learn directly from them.

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